Special Interest Television 
high-performance weapons for your marketing war contact us FILE: the first meeting printable detailscontact us 
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(818) 841-9372

Before our first meeting,  please take a few minutes to sketch the following coordinates on a note pad:  

  • Your main marketing goals - short term and long term
  • What are your markets - geographically?  Find out at least your business radius.
  • What are your markets - by special interest, age, ethnicity, or other criteria?
  • Can you tell what your current customers like to watch on TV?  What do they read?  Do they (or does someone in their home) use the Internet frequently?  If you don't know, ask them!
  • What media vehicles (television, direct mail, Internet, trade media, etc.) would give you best access to new customers?  (For ideas, click on "Checklist").
  • How would you imagine your messages in each chosen medium?
  • What would you like to start with?
Your answers to the above questions are just for general orientation.  During our first meeting, we'll also present fragments from our past productions - especially those that have similarities with your current project.  Before the meeting is over, we may already agree on which are the next few steps.  Shortly after the meeting, you will receive an estimate/proposal and a drafted agreement.  (Obviously, if all you need is something simple, such as videotaping a meeting, forget all this ritual!  In that case we'll just go for a short visit to scout the location - and you may not even need to be present.  On such projects the estimate fee is reduced accordingly.) 

In addition, we would very much appreciate if you could send us some information about your company prior to the first meeting:  

  • Any marketing materials - from brochures or catalogs to stationery samples
  • Any other literature that you consider relevant
  • Any work done (or drafts) related to your intended project
  • If you have a website, be sure to tell us the URL (the address)
e-mail your message 

Thank you! 

checklist for the first interview