In most cases - NO!
Most of the stuff found on the Internet is useless, because the hype turned
the Internet into a hot emotional issue. The hype created an unjustified
complex of “being left behind”. When they think only emotionally,
people get their priorities mixed up. In most businesses, decisions
made by an improvised “Internet Committee” are given to the company’s computer
guru - who usually knows about the technology involved, but who is not
a communications expert.
The first advice for someone
who contemplates a new web site is to FORGET ABOUT THE INTERNET.
No, I don’t mean “don’t use it”. What I mean is: during the
"idea stage", forget about the technology! Ask yourself if
the stuff that you want to show on-line is interesting enough - so if it
was a magazine or a small book instead of a web site people wouldactually pay moneyto read it!
The Internet is just another
way to distribute information. If you are looking in the dictionary
for an "Internet definition", you are on the wrong track. Exactly
like a printing machine, the Internet is actually what YOU will make of
it. You shouldn’t expect people to visit your web site just because
it sits out there, available to whoever bumps into it. You should
make it relevant enough so your clients will go on line for the particular
purpose of visiting your site. See the difference? If you can
make your site important enough so people actually recommend it to each
other as a major reference, then you have a winner!
we’ll just list a few advantages of the Internet, and a few key rules about
promoting your website.