(818) 841-9372
If you are a small business:
Let's assume that your
local ads brought fantastic results, and you are ready to expand to new
territories. Where do you go from here?
Your Cable-TV company probably
has many other areas available, across the region or across the country;
There are ad agencies that
can simulcast your commercials in many cable systems. Once you cover
4-5 territories, it becomes more cost-effective if we work with an ad agency
that can get volume discounts. This shouldn't cost you extra.
If you need to cover a solid
metropolitan area entirely, you can go over the air with the big network
afiliates. Just be aware that the networks aim at a less educated
audience in general, compared to the best basic cable channels. If
your business targets an upper scale audience, what you gain in quantity
may be lost in quality. If your target audience includes lower incomes,
that's definitely the way to go.
For large scale ad campaigns
there are many options between "regional", "state", and "national" distribution.
Once you have that kind of funding, it's up to you to choose between cable
channels, big networks, or satellite dishes.
If you are a large business:
Let's suppose that you
are already running a major ad campaign, and you want to enhance its results.
What can local Cable-TV do for you?
Very inexpensive market research
in a few local markets !!!
You can TEST the actual response
generated by your TV commercials, BEFORE spending real money on a widespread
advertising campaign.
You can fine-tune your messages
fast, until you get great results.
You can gain powerful, low-cost
access to ethnic groups.
You can extrapolate local
results to simulate national exposure. This is more efficient than a hundred
brainstorming sessions, or several months of "committee" meetings!
After your test, you may
even decide to promote a good neighbor image at all your locations,
by customizing your ad for each Cable-TV zone. Viewers are more receptive
to values available in their immediate area.
Hollywood's true professionals always
TEST their high-budget movies in spot markets, before adding the final
touch to their products. They KNOW!
You don't believe Hollywood? Fine!
Then you can learn from the U.S. Air Force. They gave up "Carpet Bombing"
just after the Vietnam war... Now they use "Smart Weapons" - because PINPOINT
TARGETING proved a lot more efficient at a fraction of the cost... while
minimizing the risks for their pilots.