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Today, new technologies opened a window of opportunity.  It may not last very long, however.  

Television is affordable - but soon it will have hundreds of channels, with an audience more evenly divided between cable and satellite.  The air time may become cheaper, but not enough to reflect the fragmentation.    

The Internet is available to everyone - yet only a small minority of businesses take advantage of it.  Soon, that will change.  Besides - the Internet may take over the TV set, offering tens of thousands of video channels.  The Internet is the only technology that, in time, can take over any other media!    

The era of the "three big networks" will never come back.  But small and medium-sized companies may again be rendered technologically powerless.  Door to door marketing may return - as a "personal" alternative to automated commerce.  

We don't know exactly what may happen in the near future.  All we know is that, right now, marketing vehicles undreamed of a few years back are accessible to the smallest businesses.  And the "number of impressions per dollar" can only go down from here.  

So this is a very good time for small and medium size companies to create a strong position in their market.  The sooner you start, the easier it will be to maintain that position in the future.  

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